9D Breathwork Journeys, uses 9 elements of sound, listened to through state of the art headphones which coupled with an ancient breathing technique is designed to remove trauma, anxiety, stress, fear and limiting beliefs.
We often hold onto what is not serving or good for us. Our perceptions of events sometimes cause us more suffering than is welcome.
So by breathing and doing the journey, you set yourself free, rewire and refire your system for success and clarity. It's a somatic occurence, meaning from within.
9D Breathwork Journeys are a powerful modality for shifting people and the emotions or perceptions that we hold on to.
It's guided and we hold space for breathers to feel safe while moments of vulnerability occur.
We encourage a massive release during the session which is what nearly everybody needs to move forward in their lives. The physical breathing is what we call connected breathing, 2 breaths in and 1 out, all through the mouth. Your body is flooded with oxygen and does what it does best, HEALS
9D Journeys for you